International Church Stuttgart
Apart from the German services, Celebrate Life Church offers an International English-speaking service every Sunday at 12:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to join the church in the city of Stuttgart. This church should be a place where different nationalities and cultures mix in order to praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Who we are
Celebrate Life Church is a biblically based non-denominational church for all generations and nations. We desire that as many people as possible flourish through Jesus Christ and experience what He can accomplish through each one of us. Through a wide variety of events on Sunday and during the week, we grow together as an International Church Stuttgart in faith and bring God’s love to Stuttgart together.

Become a part of our church
Our International Church is built on relationships and community. In different small groups, our fellowship with each other is strengthened. In addition, we have a Community What’s App Group where all the information for hangouts, fun activities and prayer meetings is shared with you.

Celebrate Life Church should be a place for community and to celebrate our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Hence, many people should flourish through Jesus Christ and find a home far away from home. We have nationalities around the world and everybody should feel welcome in our church. If you have any questions then write an E-Mail on or Direct Message us on Social Media.